Recent News


UC San Diego News Center

The Psychedelic Science of Pain

TRITON Magazine

The Epic Lives of Albert Lin

The San Diego Union Tribune

‘Bionic’ UC San Diego explorer Albert Lin returns to the jungles

Hong Kong Tatler

Albert Lin: From Genghis Khan To Generation T


  • Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UC San Diego
  • Associate Research Scientist, UC San Diego
  • Explorer at National Geographic Society
  • Advisor to the Harvard Business School
  • Founder at Tomnod (acquired By Digital Globe)
  • Founder at Planet3 inc. (



Albert’s passion for story telling translates across his on stage presence as well as through the camera lens. He is represented by National Geographic’s Speaker Bureau (non-exclusively), and GERSH (Contact Stewart Cavanah).


National Geographic
Role: Explorer

Barriers Are in Your Mind | The Spark
National Geographic
Role: Explorer

Lost Cities With Albert Lin
National Geographic
Role: Explorer

Lost Treasures of the Maya Snake Kings
National Geographic Channel
Role: Presenter and Explorer

CHINA’s Mega Tomb
BBC and National Geographic Channel Co-Production (2 hours)
Role: Presenter and Narrator

Forbidden Tomb of Genghis Khan
National Geographic Channel (1 hour)
Role: Lead Explorer and Narrator

National Geographic Series
Role: Contributor

BBC (1 hour)
Role: Contributor


National Geographic / Samsung Innovation Spotlight
National Geographic / BMW Explorer Spotlight
Bank of Singapore Explorer Spotlight
Google (Science Fair) Satellite Media Tour
National Geographic 125 Celebration
Intel CES Spotlight


Darwin lecture, Cambridge university 2020
Ink talks, jaisalmer India 2020

National Geographic story tellers summit, 2019

Facebook global marketing meeting 2019
2017 Siggraph Asia Keynote
2017 Hong Kong Tatler’s Gen T, Hong Kong
2017 March for Science, National Mall, D.C. 2017 SXSW, Austin, Texas
2017 USA RICE Annual Meeting
2017 APOS FOX, Bali Indonesia
2017 Nat Geo Global Licensing Summit, NV
2017 National Geographic Further Fronts, NYC
2016 National Geographic Live, Singapore
2016 YPO’s Pacific Edge, LA
2015 FEI Annual meeting, Seattle WA
2015 Prudential Annual Meeting, Newark NJ